Does Music Therapy Work?
by March 24, 2020There is a lot of talk on the internet about different frequencies that have therapeutic and even medical properties associated to them. As a Record Label and a Production House we believe that to have knowledge on such matters, whether true or false, is part of our job.
Some History
In 1937 the International Standards Organization passed a bill that made for the standardization of music tuning. What this meant was that there became a new common tuning that symphony orchestras, guitar players, organ manufactures, you name it, would commonly tune, to without question. This also meant that instrument equipment manufactures would tune their instruments or devices to this standardized tuning as well.
The Industry
This has interesting implications. Firstly, musicians and consumers alike that come after this era would not realize that their was a standardized tuning at all. I have gone to music school, and have now been in the industry as a professional for a few years and when I ask the simple questions “do you know what standardized tuning is?” I have yet to receive a yes. Only one individual, who was a tattoo artist knew what I was talking about.
The Second implication of this fact is that the tuning chosen is controversial to nature and I say that quite literally. There are certain frequencies that operate cohesively/constructively with nature and others that operate in destructive ways with nature. The example I like to use when explaining the nature of frequencies to someone in this case I like to use factors. For those who forget a factor is a number that breaks down evenly into the other number (ex. 2 is an even factor of 24 whereas 5 is not. 2×12=24 vs. 5×5=25 which is off by 1 number). The same way musical tuning can “break down” into certain elements of nature and be constructive or destructive. It is believed that the standard tuning chosen around 1937 which was 440hz, was off the mark of being a factor of the speed of light which is like the human being acting like 5 in our math example rather than the 2.
Scientific Proof
The first thing that comes to mind is always proof and that is where the beautiful cymatics experiments created by Ernest Chaldni help enlighten so many of us. In the video attached you can see how frequencies organize powder on a metal plate into certain shapes, each completely unique from the last.
This video helps to paint an image of what happens when frequency interacts with matter and the next video is to show you have your own voice can change the molecular structure of water.
So with the two elements joint the argument I am trying to reinforce is that frequencies directly impact the physical animate reality around us and that those especially in the music industry should be aware of or educated on. As I said earlier, it’s a matter of being off by only a fraction or two and that slight deviation can irritate human anatomy and ultimately add to the degradation of cell life within the human vessel. Works by Dr. Carly Nuday and Leonard Horowitz help to reinforce the fact that all of our cells communicate and sustain themselves through the integrity of the water surrounding it.
The music you listen to can light you up and make you dance up a storm. The music you listen to can also support your anatomy so why not kill two birds with one stone and listen to music that has the frequencies incorporated within them? Well that is exactly what we are hoping to achieve at Ennea Records.
Wholeness & Love.
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