Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id duo diam scaevola, ad usu alienum rationibus philosophia,ad etiam corrumpit interpretaris eum. Tation mucius dolorem pro in, te tamquam molestie impe
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, id duo diam scaevola, ad usu alienum rationibus philosophia,ad etiam corrumpit interpretaris eum. Tation mucius dolorem pro in, te tamquam molestie impe
How To Find Your Sound?
The first thing that anyone interested in creating music is confronted with is what their sound is. Whether you sing, produce, play, or engineer the touch you have on music is as u
Envida Meets Ennea
Step out of your mind and into your life Juan Pablo Osorio Valencia Can Envida take over Toronto? In January of 2020, Juan and his team at Envida decided to embark on the journey o
Does Music Therapy Work?
There is a lot of talk on the internet about different frequencies that have therapeutic and even medical properties associated to them. As a Record Label and a Production House we